Preemptive Monkey Business in the Election?

Annual Meeting - Edgewater Isle 2008

April 2, 2008

Moxi Posner 2247 Vista Del Mar San Mateo, CA 94404 650.572.9447

To: Edgewater Isle South Board of Directors - Lynn Hanlon, Jim Newell, Barbara Finnegan, Michele McLaughlin, Sylvia Morrison & Nick Pargett Property Mgr.

Re: Validity of the process for Edgewater Isle South election of directors, 2008

Nick Pargett, you sent out the packets for the election of directors, '08 however, the candidates were not in the packet so we could not vote. This is the fIrst time in 22 years that that has happened. This election already seems to be disingenuous.

You requested that we send in our proxies. We did. What vile actions are you going to do with our proxies? At the Annual Meeting, I will, with others, observe if you put any candidate names on the proxies. If so, I will contact the homeowner and see if they gave you permission to do so. I have spoken to so many homeowners and they are confused and frustrated that the process seems to be already compromised. I have spoken with homeowners on the North and they had their candidate in their packet. They want to know why we did not. Is this another South board's miscarriage of justice?

Is this election going to be lacking legitimacy, as was the Recall Election of the entire board EWI South? This time EWI North will be observing how the South board conducts the election as well as EWI South homeowners. Is this election going to be rigged? Is this election going to be a spectacular tragic moment that exposes you and the South board for who and what you really are? All of you are so obsessed with being board members and property manager, what are you afraid new board members will fInd out?

Nick Pargett, Property Manager, due to your deliberate violation of putting $16,000.00 in the Master Board account, even though the check was made out to Edgewater Isle North, there is riveting disgust, amongst homeowners, concerning your moral scruples and lack of ability to be a competent, fair, and honest property manager. Because of this ubiquitous situation, and the South boards devotion and dedication to you, this election will be observed through a magnify process. Nick Pargett quit, just go away. Because of Barbara Finnegan and Jim Newell, South board members, Master board members, supporting you through your $16,000.00 violation, all of Edgewater Isle is concerned about the welfare of their largest fInancial investment, their homes. The South board has already established a pattern of enormous unethical behavior and unethical presentations that has negatively impacted our lives through fear and intimidation.

Don't humiliate yourselves. Conduct a democratic election. What are you going to do, have Attorney Bonato write a letter stating that the election was "fair and reasonable?"


cc: and others