Information is obtained from San Mateo Police Department logs and other sources. This list is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be all-inclusive.
Drunk man attempts break-in at Edgewater Isle
Police detain but do not arrest suspect
July 31, 2022
On July 16, an Edgewater Isle resident reported an apparently intoxicated man to the San Mateo Police Department and captured the event on video. The resident reported that the man had attempted to break in to the residence three times. San Mateo Police reported to the site and appear to to arrest the suspect in the video, but ultimately released him.
Another resident has reported concerns about the Association's focus being "parking patrol" and not on-site security. "Parking patrol" is a lucrative business for the towing companies, and those towing companies are not interested in performing on-site security patrol.
Human trafficking suspected in North Association rental unit
July 12, 2022
The owner of 1908 Vista Cay (Edgewater Isle North Homeowners Association) called the San Mateo Police to report she suspects human trafficking at her condo.
The owner does not live on the property, but neighbors have told her seeing mattresses "all over the floor" and "seeing men coming and going at all hours of the night, staying for about 30 minutes and then leaving."
The owner reported that the renter originally rented to is not the actual person staying at the condo.
Public records show the owner of this condo lives out of state, on the east coast.
It was alert neighbors who noticed this change in circumstances and reported it to the owner. Thanks to alert neighbors.
Burglary on Vista Del Mar
October 10, 2021
On October 9 at 7:27 a.m., a burglary/attempted break in was reported in the 2100 block of Vista Del Mar to a house being remodeled. No arrests were made.
Burglary on Vista Del Sol
July 2, 2021
UPDATED: July 6, 2021
San Mateo Police assigned 5 officers to a burglary reported in the 1500 block of Vista Del Sol at 4:52 a.m. on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. The resident reported that a suspect had forced open the garage door and stole tools and a bicycle.
The police obtained a description of the suspect and of the suspect's vehicle. Police closed the call at 7:48 a.m. No arrests have been made.
Shooting at Residence Inn
March 21, 2021
In the early morning hours, San Mateo Police responded to a shooting in the parking lot of Residence Inn at 2000 Winward Way. Two people were reported injured in the shooting: one victim suffered critical injuries while the second victim suffered minor injuries. Both were reported to be in stable condition.
The police emphasized that the shooting was not a random attack and those involved were from outside San Mateo County. No arrests were made immediately, and the incident is currently under investigation.
Editorial comment: hotel guests are usually from outside the county.
An alarming number of calls to police from Via Laguna
February 22, 2021
Last month, at least 7 calls for assistance were made to the San Mateo Police Department from (a) resident(s) on Via Laguna. This cluster of calls follows a high number of other calls for assistance coming from Via Laguna.
These calls below are all after the January 13 arrest of Mark Anthony Tilds of Via Laguna, accused of domestic violence.
1/18/2021 | Public Disturbance | 12:16 p.m. | 12:40 p.m. |
1/19/2021 | Assist: Other incidents | 10:22 a.m. | 10:59 a.m. |
1/20/2021 | Assist: Other incidents | 2:54 p.m. | 4:36 p.m. |
1/22/2021 | Civil Problem | 11:35 a.m. | 12:02 p.m. |
1/22/2021 | Assist: Other incidents | 5:05 p.m. | 5:42 p.m. |
1/23/2021 | Restraining order violation | 8:42 a.m. | 9:02 a.m. |
1/27/2021 | Restraining order violation | 11:35 a.m. | 12:46 p.m. |
Homeowner arrested in disturbance on Via Laguna
January 15, 2021
For approximately the 10th time, police were called to a home in the 1600 block of Via Laguna for domestic violence charges. Records show that on January 13, 2021, at 7:17 p.m., San Mateo Police responded to a woman requesting assistance in responding to her husband who allegedly threw a vacuum at her and which resulted in an abrasion. Reporting party declined medical assistance.
Mark Anthony Tilds was arrested for violations of Penal Codes 243(e)1 and 422. The Edgewater Isle North homeowners association newsletter has run advertisements for his business "Independent Haulers."
California Penal Code 243 (e)1 reads:
When a battery is committed against a spouse, a person with whom the defendant is cohabiting, a person who is the parent of the defendant’s child, former spouse, fiancé, or fiancée, or a person with whom the defendant currently has, or has previously had, a dating or engagement relationship, the battery is punishable by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. If probation is granted, or the execution or imposition of the sentence is suspended, it shall be a condition thereof that the defendant participate in, for no less than one year, and successfully complete, a batterer’s treatment program, as described in Section 1203.097, or if none is available, another appropriate counseling program designated by the court. However, this provision shall not be construed as requiring a city, a county, or a city and county to provide a new program or higher level of service as contemplated by Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.
California Penal Code 422 reads:
Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily injury to another person, with the specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in writing, or by means of an electronic communication device, is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made, is so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her immediate family’s safety, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison.
Public disturbance reported 
September 22, 2020
On Sunday, September 20 at 9:12 p.m., a disturbance was reported in the 1500 block of Vista Del Sol regarding a car speeding at approximately 45 mph.
The resident yelled at the driver, and the driver responded that he was going to "end everything."
String of thefts reported at Senior Apartments
September 15, 2020
The Senior Apartments has reported at least seven thefts recently. Items reported stolen include jewelry and money. Mostly money. All incidents report no forced entry.
Theft reported on Vista Del Sol
August 4, 2020
On August 2 at 7:19 p.m., a resident in the 1500 block of Vista Del Sol reported a theft: a rummaging through of his vehicle. Resident also reported it on NextDoor:
An early morning disturbance on Via Laguna
July 10, 2020
In the early morning hours of July 2, at 1:58 a.m., another disturbance was reported on Via Laguna. The reporting party complained of "pounding on the wall and using the vacuum." (Who vacuums at 2:00 in the morning?)
The San Mateo Police Department described the disturbance as an "ongoing issue."
So, Edgewater Isle has an "ongoing issue" frequently resulting in "disturbances" on Via Laguna, where several arrests have been made for domestic violence and neighbors point guns at each other for loud music. And one woman there with multiple arrests complained to the San Mateo Police Department about "harassment" because these events are discussed here.
Sounds like hell. Looks like Via Laguna is going to need its own page.

“Disturbance” reported on Via Laguna
June 27, 2020
On June 26, 2020, at 1:31 p.m., San Mateo Police say a man who lives on Via Laguna reported he was in a fight or disturbance with his wife, who had tried to choke him.
The man did not want to press charges and was not at home when he made this call. He was provided the same civil procedure advice as the last time officers spoke with him. No arrests were made.
EDITORIAL COMMENT: There appear to be frequent calls regarding "disturbances" coming from Via Laguna. More to follow.

Burglary on Vista Del Mar
June 23, 2020
A resident in the 2100 block of Vista Del Mar reported a burglary early Sunday morning, June 21, 2020, between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
That morning, after the resident went downstairs, they saw that the sliding glass door was open, the house had been ransacked, and money was taken. The resident reported that they weren't positive if they locked their doors and windows. There is no surveillance on the property.

Disturbances on 1900 block of Vista Del Mar
June 18, 2020
(1) On June 14, 2020, a resident reported "young adults" smoking "something" in the park. Police were unable to locate suspects.
(2) On June 16, 2020, a resident reported a man and woman smoking in the park by the pool.
Several disturbances at Residence Inn
June 4, 2020
During the week of May 28 - June 3, 2020, at least seven separate disturbances were reported to the San Mateo Police Department from people at the Residence Inn on Winward Way. (The Residence Inn is a part of the Edgewater Isle Commercial Master Association, to which all homeowners also belong. The Commercial Master Association mainly deals with the private road along Winward Way.)
Calls for assistance were made on May 29 (1 call), May 31 (2 calls), and June 2 (4 calls) and included complaints about homeless using the bathrooms, parties in the rooms, damage to a room, groups of people hanging outside, and requested evictions.
Disturbance: drinking and loud music
June 4, 2020
On May 29 at 11:23 p.m., San Mateo Police responded to a complaint of loud party on a balcony on Vista Del Sol. 15 people were reported standing on a balcony while drinking and playing loud music.
Which raises a question: are these balconies built to withstand 15 people standing on them? A party like this should remind everyone of the Berkeley balcony collapse and the dangers of a large number of people on a balcony.
Some information may be available on the construction defects lawsuits case files.
Suspicious vehicle parked for days
May 29, 2020
A resident on Vista Del Sol reported on May 26 at 5:22 p.m. that a car with Alberta, Canada, license plates with a 20-something "dark skinned male, mohawk dreads" has been sitting inside vehicle for a few days and just sits there.
Disposition: warned.
Suspicious persons reported wandering around
May 29, 2020
A resident on Vista Cay reported on May 26 at 12:59 a.m. that "3 HMAS, one wearing a black Santa Cruz sweatshirt" are wandering around on foot through the complex. No weapons seen. Resident thought it was suspicious because there have been recent burglaries in the area. Police responded but suspects were gone on arrival.
Neighbor harassment
May 29, 2020
A resident on Vista Del Mar visited the San Mateo Police lobby on May 25 at 11:16 a.m. to report an ongoing neighbor dispute and harassment.
Suspicious person reported by pond
May 29, 2020
A resident called the San Mateo Police on May 24 at 3:51 p.m. to report a suspicious person, a woman, by the pond on Vista Del Mar and Marina Vista, spraying what the resident thought was poison, and was trying to kill the geese. Reporting party took a picture of the suspicious woman who was gone upon police arrival.
Murder suspect arrested on Winward Way
May 27, 2020
Last night, San Mateo Police arrested 29-year old San Francisco resident Curtis Green as he left the Residence Inn area on Winward Way and failed to stop at a stop sign. Green was arrested without incident and brought to Alameda County where is is wanted for a murder in Oakland.
Disturbance near park: woman reports being chased
May 21, 2020
On Monday, May 18 at 9:32 a.m., a woman reported to the San Mateo Police Department that a Hispanic man with dark hair, wearing a brown shirt and brown pants who had been sitting on a bench in the park, chased and yelled at her, and he was spitting on the ground near the park. The woman called the police and wanted the man spoken to, but did not request to be called back.
Disposition: no arrests made.
Man threatened with gun on Via Laguna
May 21, 2020
On Thursday, May 14 at 12:59 p.m., a man on Via Laguna had a disagreement with his neighbor over the neighbor's loud music. The neighbor threatened to get a gun. The man reported the threat to the San Mateo Police Department.
Disposition: San Mateo Police took a report.
Disturbance on Via Laguna
May 14, 2020
On May 7 at 8:53 p.m., the San Mateo Police report a woman on Via Laguna was arguing about bills with her intoxicated husband when he told her that he was "going to kill her," "threw the washing machine on her," and pinned her down. The woman complained of pain to her arms but declined a medical response. No weapons were reportedly involved.
No arrests were made in this incident, but the report taken has been sent to the district attorney's office for review.
(stock photo)
Stolen truck found
May 5, 2020
The Edgewater Isle resident who reported a stolen truck last week says that the Oakland Police Department found the truck abandoned. The truck was partially disassembled, the catalytic converter was stolen, as were and tools and other belongings. The thief had also twice attempted to use credit cards.
Truck stolen
April 28, 2020
A resident reported their truck was stolen from their parking spot overnight on Via Vista at Edgewater Isle. The resident reported the truck had been parked there for over two years, but only stolen last night.
Car thefts are apparently up nationwide as the country endures a shelter-in-place during this pandemic.
April 4, 2020
A resident on Vista Del Mar reported to the San Mateo Police that on March 29 an Asian Female Adult ("AFA") was seen screaming profanities and saying that she was going to kill everyone. She was wearing a gray and white shirt along with red pants.
San Mateo Police report she was last seen along the bike path going toward Foster City.
Suspicious vehicle reported
January 22, 2020
On January 18, a resident reported an older model Lexus, gold or silver, with an adult male in the car, sitting with lights on at the stop sign at Vista Del Mar and Marina Vista.
Police investigated, but car was gone on arrival.
Homeless encampment encroaches into park
November 12, 2019
On Friday, November 8 at approximately 5:20 p.m., two Edgewater Isle residents were walking near the park (in the North) when two male suspects approached them and “started rambling on.” The residents complained to the responding San Mateo Police officer of a homeless encampment under the overpass.
The officer dispatched discovered a vehicle associated with the subjects that was unoccupied and had suspended registration. The officer had the car towed and ordered the person to not stay under the bridge.
Alejandro Canche arrested after random stabbings
October 29, 2019
San Mateo Police provided additional details on last night's stabbings at Edgewater Isle. The number of victims was changed from four to three.
In what apparently began as family dispute last night, the suspect Alejandro Canche stabbed his cousin's boyfriend in the neck at the nearby BJ's Restaurant before he took off on foot to Edgewater Isle, where he randomly stabbed two additional victims along the bike path before running into the lagoon where he was captured by police.
Alejandro Canche, 19, of East Palo Alto, has been charged with Penal Code §664/187(a) (attempted murder) and §PC 245(a)(1) (assault and battery), both felonies. He is being held without bail in Redwood City and has his first court appearance tomorrow, October 30.
In 2005 in an unrelated case, a suspect previously fled police and drowned in the lagoon attempting to escape.
Developments in this story are kept here.
Photo: San Mateo County Sheriff
Suspect in custody after 4 people stabbed
October 28, 2019
In what was called a “major police department response,” the San Mateo Police Department responded to a stabbing assault that began at nearby BJ's Restaurant and then continued as the suspect fled along the bike path near 2143 Vista Del Mar at Edgewater Isle at 7:58 p.m. this evening.
Police sources say that 4 people were involved in the stabbing assault by the suspect, and all victims have non-life-threatening injuries.
The suspect has been arrested on attempted homicide charges, with more charges potentially being added as the investigation continues.
Residents in the area first reported on social media that they saw a large police response speeding by as citizens tried to piece together what was going on. Citizens were first to report (using the "Citizen" app) that the incident was a stabbing.
NBC Bay Area also reported on the incident, and SF Gate ran a story.
Source: Edgewater Isle resident
Spousal battery reported
September 17, 2019
On September 14, a resident in the 1700 block of Vista Del Sol reported that her husband pushed her down in front of four children. The San Mateo Police Department wrote a spousal battery report under California Penal Code §243(e)1.
California Penal Code §243(e)1
When battery is committed against a spouse, a person with whom the defendant is cohabiting, a person who is the parent of the defendant’s child, former spouse, fiancé, or fiancée, or a person with whom the defendant currently has, or has previously had, a dating or engagement relationship, the battery is punishable by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. If probation is granted, or the execution or imposition of the sentence is suspended, it shall be a condition thereof that the defendant participate in, for no less than one year, and successfully complete, a batterer’s treatment program, as described in Section 1203.097, or if none is available, another appropriate counseling program designated by the court. However, this provision shall not be construed as requiring a city, a county, or a city and county to provide a new program or higher level of service as contemplated by Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.
Burglary reported
UPDATED: September 10, 2019
On September 8 at 11:44 a.m., a resident reported an incident which the San Mateo Police Department initially classified as a burglary.
On September 10, the San Mateo Police Department clarified the incident that occurred in the 2200 block of Vista Del Mar: the incident did not fall under any criminal code, therefore it was written as a suspicious circumstances report. This incident was misclassified by their Dispatch department and was not actually a burglary. Instead, the complainant — an 80-year-old woman — misplaced her book.
The original posting:
September 9, 2019
On September 8 at 11:44 a.m., a resident reported a burglary on Vista Del Mar that occurred “sometime last [the previous] night.” Resident does not know how suspect entered. No arrest made. Report taken by San Mateo Police Department.
Fight over parking
August 26, 2019
A woman on Via Vista reported yesterday at 12:44 p.m., that a second woman (described as white female adult wearing a white shirt) was yelling at her over a parking dispute and tried to grab her cell phone through her car window. The suspect woman was reported in a white Volvo. No arrest made.
Smoking violation reported
August 22, 2019
At 12:54 p.m. yesterday, a resident reported a white adult female wearing a black shirt and white capris was smoking near a residential building on Vista Del Sol. Suspect was gone on (police) arrival.
In the City of San Mateo, smoking is prohibited in multi-unit housing. This ordinance went into effect in 2015. See City of San Mateo Municipal Code §7.40.050 for more information.
Disturbance at North pool
August 15, 2019
Early Sunday morning, a resident reported two people in a verbal altercation at the North pool. One person threatened to throw a lawn chair at the other, but ultimately did not throw it. One party was described as wearing a light blue shirt and black shorts. Weapons: unknown.
Two burglaries reported
August 8, 2019
Two burglaries were recently reported to the San Mateo Police.
(1) On August 5, a resident on Vista Cay reported that a brown Buick Enclave had been burglarized overnight. No damage to vehicle. No suspects.
(2) On August 7, the daughter of a Edgewater Isle Senior Apartments resident reported that her father had been burglarized in May when he was on vacation. This incident is still under active investigation. Reporting party also states that two other apartments had been burglarized this summer.
With the reporting of at least 3 burglaries in the Edgewater Isle Senior Apartments, shouldn't its management be looking carefully at the comings and goings of people into the building? The Edgewater Isle Senior Apartments complex is owned by HIP Housing.
Disturbance reported
July 25, 2019
A resident reported a disturbance on Vista Del Mar on July 23 at 10:35 p.m. where a male was yelling at a female. No arrest made.
Smoking disturbance reported
July 1, 2019
On June 29 at 7:08 p.m., a resident on Vista Del Sol in Edgewater Isle reported two subjects, a man and a woman, talking and smoking loudly by "the dumpster." Subjects were gone by the time the police arrived.
Yelling disturbance reported
June 26, 2019
On June 23 at 12:17 a.m. (very early Sunday morning), a resident on Vista Del Sol reported to the San Mateo Police Department that she could hear a man and woman screaming at each other. The police were unable to locate those involved in the dispute.
Don't leave important possessions in cars overnight
June 11, 2019
Residents at Edgewater Isle and throughout San Mateo have reported to the San Mateo Police Department an uptick in car burglaries. According to a San Mateo Daily Journal article on the subject, "San Mateo is experiencing an uptick in auto burglaries at known hot spots on the east side of the city, including South Norfolk Street and North Bayshore Boulevard, according to police."
Residents and visitors continue to be advised to remove all valuables left in cars overnight.
Disturbance on Via Laguna
June 3, 2019
A man reported to the San Mateo Police that a homeowner on Via Laguna hit him during an argument, and that there were witnesses to this event. The man wanted to know what his options are.
Another car break-in reported
April 30, 2019
Another car break-in was reported at Edgewater Isle via an email from an angry homeowner. The homeowner sent us an email detailing their frustrations with the Board of Directors at Edgewater Isle and the frustration of another car burglary:
Subject: Vehicle Break In
Date: Thu, April 25, 2019 10:34 am
To: ""
Good Morning,
Last night between 2:30am and 3:30am my friends truck was broken into. The thief’s stole close to $5000 dollars worth of power tools and other work related items that had high value. The thief’s has spent a considerable amount of time rummaging through the truck, at least 20min or so, due to the condition the truck was in before they were scared off, and the items they were able to remove from the truck itself. A police report was taken. Being the dollar amount taken, is a felony offense. The crime took place on Vista Del Mar/Vista Cay, directly in front of a large flood light. The vehicle was described as a gray older model 4 sedan. There were two individuals both dressed in all black, both with hoodies pulled up over there heads to where their eyes were the only thing showing .
Not only is it unsettling the Edgewater Community becoming an increasingly popular target for these low life thugs, but how blatant and arrogant their being in the process, which has consistently been on the rise sense I bought my place 10 years ago.
Call me crazy, but increase break in anywhere, would be my first clue to, oh I don’t know, maybe INCREASE SECURITY!! Maybe start implementing things that would detour criminals from targeting our community? Something as simple as purchasing 2 $100 cameras and installing them at the two only entrances coming and leaving the complex? Some sort of community watch where residence can volunteer their time, reporting anything suspicious person/persons to SMPD. There are many very simple solutions to detour what has now become a serious threat to our community, and most importantly the lives of the residence who live here.
My hope is for our board members to recognize their roles that being to protect and provide whats best for our community and the residence who live here. The constant power struggle between members has been an ongoing problem for as long as I can remember. Little advise, NO ONE CARES! When it starts to affect implementing security measures that will provide better security for the people you were hired to serve? And a “who has a bigger sword” type mentality is more important? I have a huge issue with. You are working for the member who voted you in. This isn’t some contest . Know your roles and start acting like the grown adult you all are. We as a community are YOUR boss. There should be no power struggle.
Thank you.
Anyone with info leading to the arrest of the street thugs coming into our community would be appreciated.
Car stolen from Edgewater Isle
April 5, 2019
A car was reported stolen from a garage on Via Vista on Saturday night at about 10:30 p.m. Reporting party said that the car was parked in the garage, the garage door was open, and that the reporting party had both keys to the car.
Car break-in caught on video
March 15, 2019
An Edgewater Isle resident posted a video about car break-ins at Edgewater Isle. The video shows a man breaking into several cars on Vista Del Sol in the very early morning hours (3:13 a.m.) on March 14, 2019. The original poster said that the burglar tried multiple cars all parked on Vista Del Sol.
The full posting, with video, can be seen on
San Mateo and the entire Bay Area have seen an up-tick in car burglaries. Remember to ALWAYS take any valuable with you when you leave your car.
Road rage incident on Via Laguna

April 10, 2018
On April 7 at 8:56 p.m., a woman called the San Mateo Police to report a road rage incident that occurred on Via Laguna.
A second person followed the reporting party, stopped, and blocked the reporting party's vehicle.
Disposition: completed.
(stock photo)
Domestic violence incident on Via Laguna: arrest made
August 2, 2017
On July 27, 2017 at 8:59 p.m., a woman said that her husband came home intoxicated and hit her. Mark Tilds was arrested for domestic violence, a violation of California Penal Code § 273.5, which is defined as:
any person who willfully inflicts corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition upon a victim described in subdivision (b) is guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of up to six thousand dollars ($6,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.
Auto burglary
July 11, 2017
A resident on Via Laguna reported an auto burglary (entering vehicle when there is evidence of forced entry, with the intent to commit theft). Reporting party believes it happened during the prior night.
A domestic disturbance on Via Laguna
June 12, 2017
At 11:08 on June 10, a reporting party on Via Laguna said that his wife had physically assaulted him yesterday and today. San Mateo Police took a report.
Sources say that they saw three San Mateo Police police vehicles "flying into the complex," and that a total of four units responded to this incident.
Another disturbance reported on Via Laguna
April 7, 2017
On April 2 at 5:05 a.m., a man on Via Laguna reported that his "wife was in verbal and kicked him out and he is trying to get back in."
Disturbance on Via Laguna
April 6, 2017
On April 1 at 8:01 p.m. a man on Via Laguna reported that "his wife was beating him up" and that he did not want to be more specific.
Disturbance on Via Laguna: Kelly McGuirk arrested
April 4, 2017
Occurred on Via Laguna on December 20, 2016, at 4:39 when a man called police and reported that his wife was restraining him from walking into the garage. Kelly McGuirk was arrested on suspicion of a violation of California Penal Code 243(e)(1), multiple sources say. California's legal website shows PC 243 (e)(1) as “a battery is committed against a spouse, a person with whom the defendant is cohabiting.” Sources say that McGuirk was arrested within Edgewater Isle and was "booked" into the San Mateo County jail.
This arrest occurred the day after McGuirk was removed from the Edgewater Isle board of directors by a vote of members.
Making threats to resident
December 15, 2016
On December 8 at 5:24 p.m., a woman reported that a neighbor on Via Laguna made threats toward the her and she was concerned that was concerned about possible retaliation for calling the police on her other neighbor.
Elder abuse reported: restraining order issued
July 28, 2016
A 65-year old woman who lives on Vista Del Sol reported to the San Mateo Police on July 27 at 9:29 p.m. that a 30-something years old woman yelled at and threatened to punch the victim in the face before finally hitting the victim on the side of the head.
The victim filed a Elder Abuse Restraining Order against the perpetrator, who was living with the victim at the time. The victim stated that she (the victim) had offered the perpetrator help in letting the perpetrator sleep at the victim's house. There is no relation between the two individuals. Report taken. A restraining order was granted.
Harassment alleged on Via Laguna
February 19, 2016
A woman who lives on Via Laguna went to the front lobby of the San Mateo Police on February 18 at 8:42 a.m., and said she knows someone "who put her info on a criminal background website." Disposition: completed.
This is what she's talking about.
Restraining order allegedly violated
September 19, 2015
On September 16, 2015 at 5:53 p.m., a Via Laguna resident reported in the San Mateo Police lobby that her estranged husband had sent a text in violation of a restraining order.
Arrest made
July 29, 2014
On July 29, a resident made a report to the San Mateo police about a suspicious individual on the property.
The individual in question was arrested for two misdemeanor crimes, vandalism and resisting arrest. Prosecution is pending.
Caller attempts to defraud resident
June 24, 2014
On June 15, a resident at the Senior Apartments reported an attempted phone fraud, with the fraudster claiming to be an IRS agent. The victim realized it was a scam, and did not give up any money.
The San Mateo Police Department offers some tips on how to recognize scams on their blog.
Maintenance golf cart stolen
January 26, 2014
On the morning of Tuesday, January 21, an unknown suspect stole the maintenance golf cart at Edgewater Isle.
The theft was quickly reported to the San Mateo Police Department. The suspect was described as a man with a thin build, possibly Asian, wearing a baseball cap.
The cart was recovered about one hour later. It was not damaged and nothing was stolen from it. No arrests have been made.
Resident sentenced: is now a registered sex offender
January 16, 2014
An Edgewater Isle resident who pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography has been sentenced.
Joshua Lockwood, 31, a resident of Edgewater Isle, was sentenced on January 7 in San Francisco County Superior Court to 1 year in County jail, 5 years of probation, a lifetime mandatory registration as a sex offender, and ordered to pay fines and fees.
Additionally, all material was ordered confiscated and destroyed.
Lockwood is not allowed to be around other sex offenders and cannot live with children under 18 or invite children under 18 into his home. If he has children of his own, he must obtain court permission to live with them (his own children).
The next hearing, for restitution, is scheduled for February 20, 2014.
This brings the known total of registered sex offenders at Edgewater Isle to 2.
License plates reported stolen
November 11, 2013
A resident in the 1900 block of Vista Del Mar reported on Friday, November 8 at 2:00 p.m. that the license plates were stolen off their vehicle at Edgewater Isle.
The San Mateo Police Department has no suspects in the theft.
Joshua Lockwood arrested for possession of child pornography
September 24, 2013
Joshua Lockwood, 30, a resident in the 1700 block of Vista Del Sol at Edgewater Isle, was arrested by the San Mateo Police Department on Wednesday, September 18, at 5:04 p.m. from a warrant issued by the San Francisco Police Department for possession of child pornography.
On September 20, Lockwood was arraigned and charged with two counts, both felonies, of California Penal Code 311.1(a). A pretrial hearing is scheduled for October 30.
Lockwood's address is very close to an address used by a Megan's Law registered sex offender who also reported an Edgewater Isle address: both addresses are in Building 1. News on that registered sex offender was previously reported here in February.
Lockwood was previously arrested and charged with DUI on October 31, 2011. Lockwood pleaded "nolo contendre" (guilty) On February 15, 2012, and was sentenced to two days in San Mateo County Jail, fines, and 3 years of probation after completing a three-month first offenders' program.
Lockwood lists himself as an illustrator on his LinkedIn profile.
Vandalism to auto reported
August 13, 2013
On the morning of Friday, August 9, a resident in the 1600 block of Vista Del Mar reported vandalism to her vehicle to the San Mateo Police Department. The reporting party said that her car had been scratched on the sides and on the hood.
The San Mateo Police Department said no other incidents of vandalism were reported on that day or near that location. (stock photo)
Another smashed window
May 16, 2013
On the morning of May 4, a resident of the 1600 block of Vista Del Sol reported to the San Mateo Police that yet another window smash had occurred to a vehicle, a yellow Honda F2000, and the hardtop of the convertible was stolen.
The victim reported the theft occurred between 2:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (But we can probably safely assume that it happened between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. because after that, it gets light and busy.)
The SMPD always reminds people to remove all valuables from vehicles.
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More broken car windows
January 14, 2013
San Mateo Police have reported 3 more car burglaries in the 2000 Winward Way block.
Stolen car found at Edgewater Isle
January 9, 2013
On Monday, January 7, a tan-colored Ford Windstar was towed from the 1500 block of Vista Del Sol. The San Mateo Police said that this car was reported as stolen out of Hayward on New Year's Day.
A resident of the 1500 block of Vista Del Sol reported the unwanted car to the private tower for Edgewater Isle (i.e., the security company) who reported the whereabouts of the car to the San Mateo Police Department.
Large number of car window smashings
December 8, 2012
The Foster City Police Department reported a significant number of car burglaries within the past week. The FCPD has received numerous reports in apartment complexes and in a homeowners association complex where driver and passenger windows have been smashed and items removed from the vehicles. The FCPD received 8 calls of car burglaries via smashed windows on Monday morning alone. All calls came from Shell Boulevard and Emerald Bay (which is immediately adjacent to Edgewater Isle).
With the holiday season approaching, thieves become more active. Car owners are advised to remove everything from their cars when parked outdoors, even in their own residential complex. Placing items under the seat is not enough: take your valuable items with you whenever you leave your car.
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Car window smashed
August 29, 2012
A car belonging to an owner on Vista Cay had its right rear window smashed and items taken sometime between June 20 at 10:00 p.m. and June 21 at 7:30 a.m. The car, likely parked on Vista Del Mar, had several items stolen from it and, sources say, it is believed the thief was looking for items involving the owner's identity. None was found.
The San Mateo Police always advise motorists to keep items out of plain view inside a locked vehicle. Ideally, motorists should always remove all valuables from their vehicle and always lock their doors.
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