Transition to New Management
June 17, 2008
Dear Members,
Your Edgewater Isle South Owners' Association Board of Directors has been advised that Nick
and Gretchen Pargett of Pargett Association Management have decided not to continue working
in the property management field1. Over the last three and one-half years, both Nick and
Gretchen have continually provided professional2 and dedicated services to our Association and
to the Board of Directors. We want to congratulate them for the many accomplishments they
have helped our Association achieve3, and we extend our thanks, farewells, and very best wishes
to Nick and Gretchen in all their future endeavors. We will miss them.
In the best interests of the Association, we welcome PML Management Corporation4, a locally-
owned family-oriented business founded in 1975. PML Management will be providing
community management to Edgewater Isle South and to our Association, working closely with
the:: Board of Directors and providing professional and responsive service to our members. All of
PML Management's community managers have earned the Certified Community Association
Manager (CCAM) designation5 through the California Association of Community Managers'
certification and education program. Nick Pargett will be assisting PML Management and our
assigned community manager over the next several weeks,6 to transition the current deck repair
project as well as other on-going maintenance and operational matters.
You will shortly receive an introductory letter from PML Management that should clarify and
address questions you may have regarding contact information, PML's office location, and
where your monthly assessment payments are to be mailed.
Thank you for your continuing support of our efforts. As your Board, we are committed to
providing our Association with effective, efficient project management and financial services.
Board of Directors
Edgewater Isle South Owners' Association7
1. Can't stand the heat, getting out of the kitchen.
2. Like this?
3. Such as?
4. PML Management, the same company the Edgewater Isle Boards fired 10 years ago.
"Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke
5. PML has, but Nick hasn't.
6. Typical comma splice, usually seen in all memos written by Nick Pargett. Oodles of previous examples are in other memos.
7. "Board of Directors" = We don't list our proper names because we're too afraid of homeowners knowing who we are.