October 18, 2013
Edgewater Isle Master Association filed another small claims case on Tuesday against homeowners for past due assessments. The Association is claiming $5,000 in their small claims complaint for unpaid dues that run from September 2011 through February 2013.
The Master Association is suing the homeowners "For violation of governing documents." In light of how the Edgewater Isle Master Association itself did not pay the North HOA dues on the unit that the Master foreclosed upon, it's hypocritical for the Master Association to sue homeowners for the homeowners' lack of compliance with the governing documents when the Master Association itself ignored their responsibility for over a year.
The hearing is scheduled for December 13.
The hearing
The defendants did not appear at the hearing on December 13, and Association received a judgment for $5,125.00.
The Association was represented by Erin Anderson, community manager, and the defendant homeowners did not appear despite being properly served. (Served by a subpoena and with a "proof-of-service" document on file with the court by the person who served the subpoena.)
The Master Association is the same association who failed to pay dues to the North Association after the Master Association foreclosed on a condo in the North.
Judgment assigned, writ of execution issued
On September 26, 2014, the Master Association filed notice that the judgment had been assigned. Which means given to a debt collector.
Also, a writ of execution was issued, which means the debt collector could then pursue means to collect money directly from defendant. Which could include directly going into defendant's bank account and getting the money.
Judgment satisfied
On February 9, 2015, the debt collector filed notice that the debt had been satisfied.