Letter #1: A Homeowner's Frustration
Below is a letter a homeowner wrote to Common Interest regarding her frustrations with the property manager assigned to Edgewater Isle.
EDITORIAL COMMENT: The opinions expressed below are those of the homeowner only and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of edgewaterisle.com
Edgewater Isle Masters Association dilemma/ Jodi Abbott-Robinson, Property Manager
Moxi Posner 2247 Vista Del Mar, San Mateo, CA 94404 650.572.9447
April 2, 2010
To: CIMS -President Dan Nelson & CEO Mike Archer
Re: Inexperienced, overwhelmed Property Manager meshed with lies and distortion
I want to open with welcoming [sic] CIMS to Edgewater Isle. Dan, as you know, Edgewater Isle is a challenge of significant repetitive unethical behavior, boarding on corruption due to the same Board members year in and year out. Homeowners do care; they just do not want to be Board members. Barbara Finnegan is a ten-year Board member; she's on every Board in Edgewater Isle. She has proven herself to be a pathological liar and narcissistic. She's obsessed for [sic] being on Boards. She goes freelancing instead of following the governing documents. She's proved [sic] to be dangerous. I enclosed my letter dated March 17,2010, to homeowners for your information. We need an experienced, strong, competent, Property Manager who respects homeowner's rights and who follows the governing documents. We need a Property Manager who Barbara Finnegan cannot control and manipulate. If she does, she will hurt the reputation of CIMS, as she has done with previous management companies.
I feel Edgewater Isle got short changed by assigning Jodi Abbott-Robinson to be our Property Manager. I am now going to reveal what she did to me and why it is unacceptable, intolerable, nonprofessional and why we need another Property Manager. Number three (3) in my letter dated March 17, 2010 explains why I asked for a letter of retraction from the Master Board. There are several other letters on edgewaterisle.com concerning this situation dated October 30, 2009, PML, inappropriate wrongful fees charged dated November 2, 2009, Barbara Finnegan you lied again dated November 9. Master Meeting to Accounting Department, PML and reality deficient disorder/ Barbara Finnegan dated January 3, 2010.
I would like to state that Jodi Abbott-Robinson reports/writes very ineffective and inadequate minutes. Minutes of Board meetings are very important, there [sic] are crucial. Minutes are the history of the functioning, the structure of the actions, of the deeds or misdeeds of our Board and homeowners. See enclosed Jodi's minutes of February 25, 2010 concerning my letter of retraction. Look at "open forum", where's my name, where's why I want a letter of retraction for Kelly Greenslate and me? What does Jodi's statement do for history? What does Jodi's minutes explain? How could my situation help others when it is insignificantly reported? How can it set a precedence [sic]? I told Jodi and the Master Board that I want the minutes to reflect the issues that I had presented to the Board. I even handed Jodi a sheet of paper with the issues. See enclosed. I wanted the minutes to reflect in a short proper format that Jodi wrote be in the minutes. Jodi ignored my humanism completely. She put nothing in the minutes. When I questioned Jodi about this, again, I was ignored by indifference. In the 23 years I have lived here minutes have had names of homeowners, have had what homeowners wanted reflected in the minutes. When Jodi posts her agenda for the monthly meeting I cannot understand what she is talking about as it is written so abstract [sic]. I even had to call her to see if she put me on the Agenda so I could discuss my issues. She told me that I would have to get use [sic] to the way she writes. She told me she words things just different.
History: At the February 25, 2010 Master Meeting, in Executive Session, it was decided that the Board agreed that retraction letters would go out to me and Kelly Greenslate. On February 27,2010 I called
Jodi and she told me that she had already sent out a letter to me. However, I never received a letter. A couple of weeks letter she told me by error she did not send out the letter but sent it out the day before. Again, I didn't receive a letter. At the March meeting, I was told that the Board questioned Jodi why they have not received the letter of retraction to review. Jodi told the Board that she had already sent it out. They told her not to do that again. They need to see the letter to review. However, they never did receive a letter. After many unsuccessful phone calls I spoke to Monica in Customer Service. I got absolutely no positive results from Monica. At this juncture it was almost a month and no letter.
On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, I called Customer Service at the Danville office. How amazing, how fortunate for me I got Brenda Bueno. Brenda listened and heard me with professionalism and understanding. She called the San Mateo office and told me I should get a letter within one or two days. I did get a letter in two days. However, Jodi's letter was a bold lie. See enclosed letter from Jodi dated March 24, 2010, re: second letter. Jodi knew I never got a first letter; neither did the Board, because of my phone calls to her and because she knew she never sent me one. Secondly, in her second paragraph she mentions my phone call to her on March 24,2010. I never called her that day. Why should I? Brenda Bueno called and was able to get positive results for me. Jodi mentions she contacted the Accounting Department, I had no idea what she was talking about and neither did Janette FlY in Accounting know what she was talking about. Jodi was patronizing me. I read the letter to Brenda and it made no sense to her. Jodi proved that she is not professional, honest, and capable of being the Property Manager for Edgewater Isle. I will never trust her. Please give us a Property Manager as competent and wonderful as Brenda Bueno is to Customer Service. What an asset Brenda is to Common Interest.
My hope and plea is that I hear from Common Interest, as homeowners do matter.
Thank you,
EDITORIAL COMMENT: After this letter was sent, Mike Archer of Common Interest told Ms Posner that he would "do an investigation" and call her back in two weeks (because he had an upcoming business trip).
Mike Archer did not reply to Ms Posner, but instead apparently created some other "investigation" of this web site.
So Ms. Posner sent a second letter.