3960 Pasadena Drive, San Mateo
![3960 Pasadena](/management/pargett/images/3960_pasadena.jpg)
Note to homeowners: You will have to serve subpoenas here because he refuses to accept them (i.e., avoids them) in his always-locked office. He may also shove the process server: he's done it before. (Which is really odd: he's not being sued personally. He's supposed to accept process of service on behalf of his client, but instead Nick got mad and shoved.)
UPDATE: Not anymore: don’t serve subpoenas here. Nick got out of the property management business and moved away.
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Contact us with questions or comments.
Fictitious Business Name Statement
File No. 223439
The following individual(s) is (are)
doing business as, Pargett Association
Management, 3 Waters Park Drive,
Suite 230, San Mateo, CA 94403:
Nick Pargett, PO Box 671, Belmont,
CA 94002. This business is being
conducted by an individual. Registrant
began transacting business under
the fictitious business name(s) listed
herein on N/A. This statement was
filed with the County Clerk-Recorder
of San Mateo County on November 2,
2007. (Almanac November 14, 21, 28,
December 5, 2007)