Kelly McGuirk now charged with stealing from Macy*s

Kelly McGuirk has *allegedly* returned to shoplifting, this time it's Macy's.

Complaint Filed by District Attorney

McGuirk has waived time for a speedy trial, and a pretrial hearing is set for November 5, 2024.

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Kelly McGuirk's Criminal Past

On and off again board member had access to the HOA's checking account while being a convicted thief.

2024: Charged: Theft from Macy*s
2016: Arrested for Assault
2009: Convicted of Theft
2008: Convicted of Theft
1997: Convicted of Theft
1996: Convicted of Theft
1995: Convicted of Theft
1993: Convicted of Thefts
1988: Convicted of Theft
1986: Convicted of Theft