Galway HOA expresses similar frustrations
Below is reconstructed from a blog on regarding Galway HOA in South San Francisco. This page has been taken from Google cache, complete with misspellings as originally posted.
This page has been reproduced from Google's cache of the page on March 29, 2006. The page has changed since that time. View the original cache taken from Google's search engine.
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Contact us with questions or comments.
Fictitious Business Name Statement
File No. 223439
The following individual(s) is (are)
doing business as, Pargett Association
Management, 3 Waters Park Drive,
Suite 230, San Mateo, CA 94403:
Nick Pargett, PO Box 671, Belmont,
CA 94002. This business is being
conducted by an individual. Registrant
began transacting business under
the fictitious business name(s) listed
herein on N/A. This statement was
filed with the County Clerk-Recorder
of San Mateo County on November 2,
2007. (Almanac November 14, 21, 28,
December 5, 2007)